How to organize (and centralize) your sales data with Avesdo

Take a look at your home, or better yet, your bedroom. Is everything exactly where you want it? Are there clothes on the floor? Is your bed made? Is your closet organized by colour or by material?

How about your company? Does information flow efficiently from your sales department to your accounting department? Do you find it difficult to find a document your co-worker sent you 5 months ago? What about that file you thought you put into your Google Drive? Let’s face it, you likely have issues keeping your sales process fully organized.

Eliminating scattered deal information

One of the most useful features in Avesdo’s Deal Management platform is the extensive Audit Trail. In Avesdo’s deal management platform, every deal-related action is tracked with time stamps along with all relevant information documents. Centralizing this data means you can stop waiting on your sales representatives or administrators to send you emails and documents with scattered deal information. Your entire organization will have a central hub to access everything in real-time. You can also ditch those filing cabinets and reduce the risk of paper contracts and addenda going missing. Being able to operate digitally (and remotely) is becoming more of a necessity everyday.

Don’t miss anything on an individual deal. The Audit Trail will track specific events such as ‘Deal Created’ or ‘Document Signed’, you can see exactly when events are taking place with time stamps as well as who is taking that action and any additional relevant information on the right hand side.

Custom reporting on upgrades and special offers

On top of the audit trail, Avesdo provides a way to access data on a quicker, macro-level with the Deal Log. The Deal Log a perfect reporting tool for projects and companies with such unique offerings deal structures and offerings. The Deal Log can be used for many purposes including tracking the amount of deals written on a launch weekend, the number of deals rescinded, or the number of specific upgrades added in a specific timeframe (a promotional window perhaps). You can modify your Avesdo dashboard to fit your specific needs. You have the ability to track up to 15 different project-specific ‘events’ on one page, again, all in real-time.

In the Deal Log, Avesdo tracks 15 standard events from collapsed deals, to manual uploads of documents to upgrades added to a deal after deal creation. Set the events you’d like to see and find all the individual deals where that event has occurred.

Utilize both tools in tandem for full visibility

You can manage all your new and modified documents in the deal log. Stay on top of any new actions or changes being made to your deals. Filters will allow you to find specific documents and determine why certain documents are being used more or less frequently to increase efficiencies for your purchasers. This, paired with Avesdo’s Audit Trail, gives developers and sales companies complete visibility of their projects.  

With the Documents Modified tab, you can see specific documents modified on individual deals, again with time stamps, and the ability to filter your date range. Simply clicking on the unit number on the left hand side will take you back to the deal.

Organization isn’t the most glamorous trait. Sometimes you just don’t have the time to stay organized, and other times it’s the least of your worries. In no time you’ll be swamped with all this administrative work late on Friday night. Features aren’t important when it comes to adopting new technology, but value is. The value that Avesdo’s Deal Log and Audit Trail provide include eliminating scattered information, customizable reporting to suit your company’s complexities and increased visibility. To summarize, it’s fine to have a messy room every now and then, but you should never have a messy sales process. Avesdo’s Deal Management tools guarantee increased efficiency in your current or upcoming real estate development sales.

Interested in learning more about Avesdo’s Deal Management?  Click here.

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